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Author Archives: Francesca Gaillard
Reading Version Information from your EXE
Very often, you have to check some information contained in the VERSIONINFO section of your application and most of the examples you can find on the InterWebz are doing it by using this WinAPI routine: GetFileVersionInfo.
A little bit of zis, etc. #4
It’s been almost a year… I’ve been pretty busy and I have had some posts in the works for a long time that still needed some attention. I’ve decided it was time to clean the closet and get them out … Continue reading
Embedding and playing Sound/Music in a Delphi Application
Or The new old stuff… We had to make the application play specific sounds as a status indicator that doesn’t require the user to look at the screen. To avoid external dependencies, the idea is to embed some WAV files … Continue reading
Posted in Delphi, Resources, User Interface, Windows
Tagged Delphi, IDE, Sounds, UI, User Interface, VCL, Windows
A little bit of zis, etc. #3
Back from the DelphiLive conference… A big thank you to Frank and Michael who made this a very nice event. There was a lot of excitement about the new XE2, from the attendees to the speakers to the Delphi team. … Continue reading
A little bit of zis, etc. #2
I know, I’ve been not very much of a blogger lately… Delphi XE2 is announced and it surely looks like a very interesting release (and probably with some nasty bugs as well, we’ll see)… I take the bet it will … Continue reading
Posted in Conference, Delphi, Uncategorized, User Interface, Windows
Tagged A little bit of zis, Conference, Delphi, Motorcycle, TIOBE, UI, User Interface, Windows
The Unfortunate Effect of WM_SETREDRAW
… or why simply replacing LockWindowUpdate by WM_SETREDRAW is not that straightforward. As you know, when you want to avoid flickering or multiple partial redraws of your Forms, during a flurry of updates for instance, even though it is very … Continue reading
Posted in Delphi, User Interface, Windows
Tagged Bug, Delphi, LockWindowUpdate, User Interface, Windows
When The Debugger Leaks…
… you may end up chasing memory leaks that don’t exist. I was at work investigating some bizarre behavior of our application when dealing with a big customer file and I had ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown turned on as it was very likely … Continue reading
Posted in Debugger, Delphi, Quality
Tagged Bug, Debugger, Delphi, IDE, Memory Leaks, Quality
A little bit of zis, etc.
I haven’t blogged in quite a while… I have been busy at work and at home. And now I’m with the family for an extended week-end in the mountains. So, this post will be more like a pot-pourri of little … Continue reading
French Delphi Speech Session Downloadable
The zip of my CodeWay 4 session (in French) is now available for download here. FYI, the old CodeRage 4 session (in English) is also available from Embarcadero: “Speech Enabling Delphi Applications (zip)”
Posted in Conference, Delphi, Speech, User Interface, VCL, Windows
Tagged CodeWay, ComCtrls, Conference, Delphi, RichEdit, Speech, User Interface, VCL, Windows
1 Comment
FieldByName, FindField: too convenient to be honest
I don’t know about you, but I can’t count anymore the number of times I’ve seen this code pattern (in code snippets online as well as in production code): while not ADataSet.Eof do begin […] ADataSet.FieldByName(‘MyFieldName1’).SomePropertyOrMethod; ADataSet.FieldByName(‘MyFieldName2’).SomePropertyOrMethod; […] ADataSet.Next; end; … Continue reading
Posted in Coding standard, Delphi, Quality
Tagged Best practices, Coding standard, Delphi, FieldByName, Optimization, Quality