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Category Archives: Coding standard
FieldByName, FindField: too convenient to be honest
I don’t know about you, but I can’t count anymore the number of times I’ve seen this code pattern (in code snippets online as well as in production code): while not ADataSet.Eof do begin […] ADataSet.FieldByName(‘MyFieldName1’).SomePropertyOrMethod; ADataSet.FieldByName(‘MyFieldName2’).SomePropertyOrMethod; […] ADataSet.Next; end; … Continue reading
Posted in Coding standard, Delphi, Quality
Tagged Best practices, Coding standard, Delphi, FieldByName, Optimization, Quality
Hints and Warnings begone!
This previous post has stirred some interesting comments and reactions (thank you!). I would like to come back on the “no Hint, no Warning policy” and why I like it, but without the need to be zealot. Why desirable? The … Continue reading
Posted in Coding standard, Delphi, Quality
Tagged Best practices, Coding standard, Compiler directive, Delphi, Quality, Warnings
Implicit vs Explicit Call to inherited
When overriding a method, you have the choice to call the ancestor method implicitly with the inherited keyword alone or with also the method name and its parameters if any. Does it make a difference? Why choose one or the … Continue reading